Monday, October 27, 2008

Yo MoMa

Wow that title is just bad..,Anyway I'm trying to figure out if I should order anything from:
They seem to have alot of interesting and eclectic items in their catalog. Some of the prices are way out there, but there is alot of stuff that is priced somewhat reasonably. I always like searching for new and interesting things. You never know what is out there.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


There are times when I wish I had a pet. Unfortunately my apartment does not allow pets. I think I might get some tropical fish. There was one time though when I got one beta fish, and he was so freakin paranoid that he jumped out of his bowl and died on the carpet. I came home one day and my bowl was empty, and the moron was lying on the carpet all dried up. (Don't ask me why I'm calling a fish a moron, it just sounds funny) I like both cats and dogs. I can't stand people who pick one over the other, either to prove they are macho or that they are sensitive. Both cats and dogs have bad and good qualities. So people, if they really wanted to, can get enjoyment from both animals. I like cats in that they are quiet and tend to take care of themselves. I like dogs because they really show their affection for their owners. I like particularly pugs and bulldogs. I remember my friend had a dog that was part dachshund and rottweiler, so he was a small dog. Man, he was so freakin cool. He would jump around and would let you pet him as much as you wanted. Unfortunately he got ill as he got older, and had to be put to sleep. I know that is something that is part of life, but it still sucked. Events like that are always going to suck. Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to get a cat and dog. That's right I want to have both. It should be good times for me, if it ever happens.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Homer who is Homer? I'm Guy Incognito....

Ha, ha that was a funny line from the Simpsons. Its weird I use to always watch The Simpsons and Family Guy, but not so much now. I guess everyone goes into phases where they are really into watching something or into a particular hobby, then they lose interest. Oh well. I was pretty bummed that the Giants lost on Monday night. We'll see how it goes the rest of the season. Hopefully they can get back on track. Anyway in closing, thanks to b for suggesting 3:10 to Yuma. Christian Bale was really good in it. He played a character that you really were rooting and pulling for. It will be interesting to see how he will do in the latest Terminator, and other roles.
Alright, hope everyone enjoys the last debate tonight. I'm sure there will be nuggets of comedy from that.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Plague Ship

Probably one of the best books I have read is Plague Ship by Clive Cussler and Jack Du Brul. Its a book about a group of mercenaries that go on missions guided by a ship that has all the latest technology and equipment. While reading it, some of the plot elements might be far-fetched, but I really enjoyed the fast-paced sequences and dialogue between the characters. I liked the fact that it showed these mercenaries not only as tough, rugged individuals, but also as flawed ones. There were scenes where they admitted their faults, and tried to work their way through them. By the way the name of the ship is the Oregon. I can't wait for the next book in the series. There are also previous books in the series as well, so I might check those out. Hopefully a book like this can be made into a movie or series.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

No, thank you but what I would like to talk about...

Yesterday, I went to the Huntington, and walked around a bit. I figure I have a membership, so I might as well use it. It came in handy because there was this entire class trying to get through regular admission, so I all I have to do is go on the member side of the entrance pavilion and got right in quick. Membership has its privileges I guess. I basically just went for a long walk enjoy-
ing the sounds and sights of nature. I always tell myself I'm going to go inside the library or other galleries and look at art, but I never do. I think I get more out of observing nature anyway.
It was a really good day to go. This is what autumn should feel like. The sun was out and there was a nice breeze, so it wasn't too hot. Plus my calves weren't giving me searing pain. Usually when i got out on long walks, my legs hurt especially the calves. Maybe I'm getting in better shape.(or at least I like to convince myself that I am) I also drank this tea that was apricot flavored. It was really good. In fact I bought a tea canister from the bookstore that had a Chinese painting on it. I thought I was buying just the canister, but to my surprise there was actually Jasmine tea in it. It was good to just go out and unwind. I like gardens alot beacuse you can just go and be by yourself. The Huntington has alot of benches, so even though plenty of people go there everyday, you can still find a place and sit in silence.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I really got try to cook more difficult recipes. I always check out books about food and barely try any of the recipes. I think I'm worried that I'm gonna create something really crappy. Its not that I haven't tried. I once attempted to make Pad Thai, but lets just say it left alot to be desired. I mean I cook basic things like fish and rice. Also other types of seafood like scallops, and clams, so I'm not totally inept at cooking. In fact I have some frozen snail meat in my fridge that's been there like since when Hillary was running for Prez. (By the way don't ask me why I'm using words like totally and like, it just be that way sometimes.) I guess I should try cooking more often. I mean learning is part of the fun right? So anyway, on a totally unrelated topic(there's that word totally...Like totally dude!) A funny image came to my head. The image of when a cat stands on its hind legs trying to grab at something. That is just too damn funny. Maybe its because of the fact that I like the cartoon strip of Garfield, where he walks around all the time, that I find the image of a cat trying to stand up so freaking hilarious. Alright enough of my nonsense

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Appaloosa or lollapalooza? That is the question...

Yeah, I came up with that one on my own. Anyway, I watched Appaloosa on Tuesday and I have to say it was a really good movie. Ed Harris was excellent, and Viggo Mortensen was too. I had read the book before watching the movie, and it was pretty much right on the nail with what was on the screen. Sometimes it can be hit or miss when books are made into movies. It's difficult to capture everything on screen from a book. Usually its best to leave a book to ones imagination instead of trying to portray it visually. I think it was also nice to watch a western movie. I have not watched too many, but when its done right, the scenery, the acting there is nothing like it.
Anyway, all I got to say is Go back inside...No go back inside.(Yes,yes another inside joke.)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ah what a beautiful day Azrael...

I love it that the rain is finally here. It's awesome. The bad part is trying to drive in it. Oh well.
By the way here is an interesting spot:
Its an all you can eat chocolate bar. Need I say more? Hmm... maybe I should plan a trip to Boston.