Friday, December 21, 2012

Between you and me....Lincoln!

Great movie. Daniel Day Lewis as Abraham Lincoln was superb, but I thought Tommy Lee Jones stole the movie with his performance of Thaddeus Stevens, a powerful member of the House of Representatives. The way he took down other members of the House with his wit was hysterical. There was also several scenes with Day Lewis that were very emotional and powerful. The part where he talks to his wife about how much he was affected by the death of one of their sons was amazing. Some people might think of the historical Abraham Lincoln as this stoic person. But from what I read he went through enormous personal tragedy. I'm sure he put up brave front, but who knows how much turmoil and sadness was in him. I thought that he was portrayed brillantly in the film. Joseph Gordon Levitt played his son Robert Todd. He had some really good scenes, but was not in it too much. I thought Sally Field did a tremendous job as well playing Licolns wife. Usually I'm not too much into historical films, but this one was a pleasant surprise. I'm glad I watched it. What? Typhone?(Sorry the post seemed too serious, so I had to put a inside joke in)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Reaction to some of The Hobbit scenes:Enough!!!

I didn't like the last of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The return of the King. (Why didn't that stupid giant eye turn into something?!) so I did not know what to expect with the Hobbit. All I can say about the film is...meh. I will not say its horrible. The scenary was once again amazing, and there was plenty of funny oneliners and moments as well. But man some of the scenes just dragged on for so long. Like where all the dwarves are at Bilbo baggins house or hobbit land to plan out their adventure to go and recapture their mountain place that was taken over by a dragon. The scene would just not end! Baggins says no I won't join you guys, wait a second maybe i will, oh I'm not gonna join you guys this is my home, then finally he says oh, okay I'm in. What?! Then the scene where magneto is talking to Dracula(I don't care what their characters names are, I don't have time too look it up. Actually I do, I just don't want to put their names.)It's not a epic movie, but I'll probably watch the next one which will heavily feature the dragon, which will be voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch of Sherlock fame. So I hope that will be interesting. (It's the same reason i watched those stupid Matrix movies, cause I was expecting some grand payoff. There was none. the first one was cool, but that trilogy was a complete waste of viewing time) Maybe I'll try reading the Hobbit to see if I can appreciate the next film. But we shall see my friend.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Arise! Guradians, arise! That's a pun man!

Rise of the Guardians was a visual feast. (Hahahaha, visual feast. Ah, man I'm so funny) Pretty cool animated film centered around childhood favs like the Easter bunny, Saaaanta, Tooth fairy, Sandman, and Jack Frost. They do battle with the Bogeyman or as callled in the film Pitch. I don't know, some people might say to me "You went to see that movie?" Well, I like to try watching different types of films, if its entertaning, and keeps my mind away from the nonsense that goes on in the world, then why not? Honestly though, this is another film like Wreck it Ralph where it really appeals to all ages. It's from the book series, so I've already requested one title, so will see how that goes. Also it was cool that there was an actual major somewhat holiday movie coming out this year. Merry Christmas.