Sunday, February 24, 2008

Week Six:Flickr, Don't call me Flicka

To be honest, I was not sure if I would enjoy this exercise, but it turned out to be cool. I think my favorite feature on Flickr was going to the explore option, and checking out the world map. I though it was real interesting to check out pictures that people have taken across the world. I actually put two photos from Flickr on my blog, one was of the library, and the other one was a bamboo forest from Japan. I picked both pics, because I think it just gave off a peacful setting. I especially liked the one with the bamboos. I also somehow manged to put a photo of a plant at my home that I took with my camera phone. If you scroll all the way down its there(along with the library pic). It's not much, but I was suprised that I figured out how to put it on my blog. I think tagging is important beacuse you can discover so many new pictures, and also you can keep track of your pics, if you happen to take alot. To be honest I did not look at any mashups, I do think its interesting that it is something that can be used as a single tool but that it can get info from different sources. I think the most interesting thing I learned was how Flickr had so many options to explore, you can explore the world map, see what pics were put a year ago, what your friends have put as photos. I just found there was alot of cool things to discover, and learn. The library could use this site as a historical tool by putting pics from the past, such as how the building use to look like. It could also be used to show the public who have not been to the library how it looks, and what programs it offers. From looking at the pics through Flickr, it seems there are a diverse number of photos showing the outside and inside of the library. In closing this turned out to be a fun exercise.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you have completed Week 6!

The world map feature within Flickr is a wonderful and fun tool to explore, I am glad you liked it. It’s also great to see that you were able to overcome the hesitance your felt about Flickr and learn more about what this web 2.0 tool has to offer us personally and as a library. Thanks for sharing those photos and your ideas on how the library can expand their use of Flickr.

Remember, to be eligible for the third biweekly drawing, be sure and finish week 7 before 3/10.

Anita said...

Hey - "Lukewarm" - I like your photos. I am also looking for peaceful pictures to enjoy. It's too bad that we have to work and it keeps interrupting our play time!