Thursday, February 14, 2008

Week 5

I have used Wikipedia before to look up info on subjects, but have not really tried to edit or add content which your wiki challenge showed. I think wikis can be useful when you want to clear up any mistakes factual or grammatical mistakes that you find in a particular article, or if you want to add more information to the article. I found the Library Challenge wiki easy to add content to. I added favorites to books, restaurants, movies, travel destinations. I did not find the process difficult at all, I thought it was kind of interesting when it showed to the right when new content had been added. As far as how the library can use wikis for internal uses, I think it could be used as a brainstorming tool. For example it could used to ask staff what ideas they think could be helpful in improving library practices, what books should be ordered, and concerns they may have overall. As far as reaching out to the public, I think also questions should be asked on what their favorite books are to read, why they use the library, and what things can be done to improve library practices. There is always concern on how much access should be given to add or delete content to a particular web page. You always have to be sure that the content is correct. I know for example with Wikipedia, that they have had alot problems with content that had been added which turned out to be faulty, so sometimes they have to put a disclaimer noting this. I think its a double-edged sword. With sites like Wikipedia, its easy to get information on subjects, but you have to make sure its backed up with other evidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you've qualified for the 2nd biweekly drawing. We will announce the winner the week of 2/25.

Good for you in being willing to explore something new and for recognizing that wikis are subject to reliability problems and need to be confirmed with other sources.

You made some very good comments about using wikis as brainstorming tools.

Remember, to be eligible for the 3rd biweekly drawing, be sure and finish weeks 6 and 7 before 3/10.