Friday, August 16, 2013

Ee-ly-sium? I gotta come up with new material...

I didn't think i would like Elysium, but that film was alright jack! Good effects,good action, story, also good acting. Sharto Copley as the main "Villain" (wink, wink) was awesome. Reminded me alot of District 9 which is a good thing. The portrayals of earth and elysium were pretty dramatic. Basically Elysium is a colony for out in space that is only reserved for the well to do and the elite they live. They have the ability to heal and regenerate themselves. While on earth the people still struggle through sickness. so attempts are made to invade elysium, so all citizens of earth can be healed of whatever ailment. Matt Damon was good as the main character who is part of this effort to infiltrate Elysium. Jodie Foster was just going through the motions to me. I thought Wagner Moura who plays Spider, a smuggler in the film, was really good in his role. Although he seems kind of sleazy, ultimately his sole interest is in helping the people. Although it seems reviews are mixed on the film, I say give it a try. "Miss Kay's up to something."

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