Friday, May 17, 2013

A twist that makes sense...

Unlike the twist in Iron Man 3, the twist involving the main villain(Benedict Cumberbatch)in Stark Trek: Into darkness was on the money. I am not a Star Trek fan at all, but I have to say this movie was really good. It had plenty of humor, good action, and real good visual effects. It was pretty cool to see Judge Dredd in it without his mask as Dr. McCoy. He was funny with his weird metaphors. Weird is good though. But Cumberbatch showed what a real movie villian is like. He was cold, calculating, but he even was able to draw sympathy in one scene where you didn't think he could. I can't wait for the continuation of the Sherlock BBC series that he is part of. It will be interesting to see if they continue with this version of the Stark Trek franchise, but we shall see kuya.

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