Saturday, February 16, 2013


Identity theif was a hilarious movie to watch. Lots of sarcastic one liners, and clever ad-libing, I think. Jason Bateman plays a guy who gets his identity stolen from a woman played by Melissa McCarthy. Bateman plays a guy name Sandy so I guess thats how she did it. The Sandy jokes at times were rough. The physical comedy by the two was amazing. They went all out. I also liked that there were some suprising actors in this. Jonathan Banks(of Breaking Bad fame) plays a criminal who sends two of his underlings after the female Sandy. And also Robert Patrick(Mr T-1000 himself) who plays a crazed bill collector. If you went to see a fun, ridiculously over the top film, then see this.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

'Wheres my lotto ticket?!" I forgot Mama."

Mama was a pretty good old school horror flick. It's about two girls who are found by their uncle after they had been stranded in a cabin for a long time after their dad kills their mother. They were taken care of by a ghost who becomes very protective of them even after they leave the cabin. The girls are really wild and unkempt when they are discovered. But the uncle and his girlfriend try to give them a home. Jessica Chastain was good as the girlfriend. So was Nikolaj Coster Waldu playing dual roles as the father and uncle. The ghost was pretty cool and scary looking. Visually the film looked stunning. The dream sequences were well done. This was a way much better horror film than Sinister. I mean how serious can you take a film when the entity was named Baghul? Baghuuuuullllllll! Anyways it was good to see a film like this make it to the top of the box office. I had my doubts that I would like it, but it was good. Like a freight train! Cause thats what happens when you don't hail to the chimp. Heh,heh,heh.