Sunday, March 22, 2009

Books to Movies

I am always interested in how books are turned into movies. Books like Appaloosa to me translated fairly well to the screen. American Psycho was also good on film. Of course there were alot more descriptive and hideous scenes in the book, but that is to be expected. Also the ending was different from the film. So it can make things confusing. I recently read the Watchmen, and though it was pretty good. Now someone recently told me that the ending is completely different from the book. I guess I can understand how filmmakers want to be original with their screenplay and not rely too much on the book. I think the trend these days is that if a book is really popular then it has to be mad into a film. I don't know. i always like it when you use your imagination to picture what a scene is like from a book. Sometimes when you look at film that comes from a book "You just go..Oh so thats how this setting or charcter look like? It can be disappointing.

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