Sunday, November 16, 2008

Library Cat!

I read this book called Dewey about a cat who was found at a library book drop in Iowa, and then basically stayed in the library being cared for by the library director and staff. It was a funny and sad book because it talked about how silly the cat would act, but also about how the director went through alot of problems in her life. She overcame alot with help from Dewey. In his own way he gave her alot of comfort and support. Apparently across the country there are alot of cats that reside in libraries. I think it would be cool if the libraries I work at allowed this.
It could even be a library dog. I don't think its feasible however. Even in a small library in Iowa there was some opposition to adopting the cat. I can only imagine what the opposition would be if it was in bigger libraries. I think it can be done, but it has to be a team effort. Staff in pitch in someway big or small. You know what would be funny but cool? If there was a library zoo! A section that had a bird, cat,dog, reptile, etc. If a kid was doing a report on a certain animal, they could go to another section where real animals were kept and just observe them. Anyway this is all wishful thinking on my part.

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