Thursday, August 28, 2008

Eerie...but kind of cool

As I was bringing in the book chute today, I was telling a co-worker about a book I read called The Shack. I told him it was a religious book, but I must correct myself it really is a spiritual book. Anyway I told him the basic premise of the book, he said it sounded like it was worth checking out. So as I'm pulling the books out of the chute, I see there is a donated copy of The Shack in my hand. I know it was just a coincidence right? Anyway I showed my co-worker the book, and he said "Okay that's it. I'm definitely gonna read it." Don't worry all you Library police out there, he said he's gonna donate it back to the library after he finishes reading it. Like the title says eerie..but kind of cool.


Well football is upon us. Actually if you think about it with the whole Brett Favre drama it never really left. However actual games will be starting next week(I know, I know there is preseason.) The New York Football Giants( my favorite team) will be taking on the Redskins next Thursday night. I got my Sports Illustrated Football preview issue yesterday so I'm good to go. Last season was especially sweet because of what the G-men did in the Super Bowl, I'm hoping they can repeat or at least get close to it. It does king of suck that I work every other Sunday, so I'll probably miss some really good games. Nowadays though the highlights that they show on the sports channels are so complete, its like you basically have seen the game in a few short minutes.
So let it begin. It should be a good one.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Zankou Pollo!

Ha, ha.. sorry I just wanted one of my blog titles to be that. Another inside joke.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Reading

I have read some interesting books this summer. I have read The Fruit Hunters: a book that talks about the trade of fruit, the love of fruit, and the many different kinds of fruit around the world. Ernie: a book about the actor Ernest Borgnine. Real interesting. He is a pretty funny, but also a down-to-earth kind of person. I have read fiction like Bright Shiny Morning. It's a work of fiction that discusses the daily adventures or misadventures of people living in L.A. It was a long book. Something like 500 pages, but it did make you care about what would happen to the main characters in the book. A book called the Fifth Angel. One I'm reading now called The Camel Bookmobile. As you can see I have read books that cover a diverse range of topics. So I'll see if I can keep finding more interesting ones.