Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Man, its hot in here!

I'm wondering why the AC is not in full Artic blast at either of the libraries I work at. I'm just wishing it goes on the fritz the good way, and just continually blast cold air. Wishful thinking right? I can't tell you how much I hate hot weather, now I know why little kids are so fussy in this kind of weather. Plus there is NOTHING to watch on TV. Oh well at least I've read some good books like the Last Chinese Chef, Fortune Cookie Chronicles. I always look for books that have interesting covers, usually they are pretty good. I know that's very simplistic. Anyway, I gotta go and continue to melt from this heat

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer Reading or Summer Dreading club

Ah yes the joys and perils of shelving during Summer Reading club at all libraries. Its amazing how many books kids, parents go through, to get prizes like hamburgers or something equally exciting like a life size eraser. For a page like myself, it can get frustrating when it seems like you have shelved the same Magic School Bus book about their trip to the volcano, like for the fifth time that same day. I can only imagine what it will be like at libraries like the Los Angeles Public library or the New York City library. Parents really go all out it when they participate in this event. Another thing that happens, and you can attribute this to the hot weather as well, is that the library gets packed. I work at two libraries, but one in particular really gets filled up on hot days. This is really apparent in the children's room where the amount of people and the sometimes stalling air conditioning make it feel like the Sahara. I like shelving alot, sometimes it can be overwhelming because it seems that the books that need to be shelved multiply like a virus or alien. Also sometimes there is a time crunch when its closing time and you try to pick everything up, but all in all I like the job. It should be an interesting summer, I can't stand hot weather, so I'm hoping that the AC is on super Arctic blast at the two libraries I work at.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Tea, soda, and Larvae?

Well about a week or so ago I had some time off and just basically relaxed and ate some interesting things. I went to an Asian supermarket where I bought several different types of tea, including Pu-erh which is suppose to be one of the highest grades of tea in China, I also bought a type of Oolong tea, and something that was labeled Chinese restaurant tea. Apparently it is a blending of green tea, oolong tea, and black teas. They were all pretty good. Pu-erh had a earthy taste to it. It takes awhile getting used to. I also bought something that was called Frozen dade. I think it was basically some kind of insect larvae, maybe I will post a pic of it, and gross everyone out. I basically cooked it vegetable oil, and I have to admit, it was not that bad. I went to a place called Galco's which has hundreds of varieties of soda. I got a cucumber soda, and I just have to say Cucumber is NOT meant to drunken. Its funny I love eating it, but drinking it is a whole different story. I also tried a dandelion and burdock soda, again that left alot to be desired. However, I'm willing to try anything. I even tried Durian once, maybe my next post will be on how awful that fruit really is. But hey there are plenty who like it, so you never know what people's tastes are.