Thursday, March 6, 2008

Week 8

Here is my MySpace link: As you can see, I was fooling around quite a bit. Honestly, I'm not a fan of MySpace at all. So lets see, as far as pros go for social networking sites, I think it does help you get in touch with people who you have lost contact with and it can connect you with people who have similar interests to yours. I think sites like these can even be useful in improving computer skills, like finding out how to post pics or videos. The cons are various, I think its difficult to completely trust these sites. Strangers could add you as friends, but you can always set your profile to private to keep away the undesirables . I mean it is another way to keep in contact with your friends, and maybe, maybe make new ones. But you have to be careful, because people can always give misinformation on these sites about themselves. I think sites like these are popular because of the fact that celebrities are now having myspace pages. But even then there are those claiming to be a celebrity when they are not. So at first sites like these were geared for everyday teens, and people in general, but now TV networks, celebrities, sports stars are all following the trend. I think that is a major reason why its popular, and gaining popularity. Also if a friend has a myspace page or a page on another social network site, they can tell their other friends about it, and that might make them go and get a profile too. As far as the library goes, by having a myspace page you might attract teens who normally would not go to the library, it can be used to tell events that the library is having, and what books are available to teens or to the general public. I think also the library could hook up with other libraries that have profiles on these sites and see what types of programs they are offering and get ideas. I think there can be ways where these sites can be beneficial, but personally its not my cup of tea. Ha!, I knew on one of these posts I would get in a tea reference!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you have completed Week 8!

MySpace is a great way of keeping in touch with family and friends and the library could certainly use it to maintain a connection with patrons who frequent this social networking site. Thanks for recommending that the library use MySpace as a resource to see what other libraries are doing, that is a great idea.

Remember, to be eligible for the fourth biweekly drawing, be sure and finish week 9 before 3/24.