Friday, June 21, 2013

World War Z was like a freight train!

I probably should have read the book before the film, but thats okay, I didn't read Cloud Atlas either before I watched it either. I thought World War Z was pretty good. Not much of a Brad Pitt fan. But I thought he did good as a UN ivestigator trying to find out what is causing the zombie strain that has impacted the world. I also like the action sequences involving the zombies when they would go into a frenzy. If your looking for a long dissertation on what constitutes a zombie or not (whether its the air, a virus etc.), DON'T look for it here. I don't care. As long as its entertaining than Hey, I'll watch it jack! Can't wait to read the book.

Monday, June 17, 2013

This is the end...Really?

Well, for a film that had alot of laughs, there were some parts that were just a waste of time. Like Jonah Hill getting demon possessed, and a ridiculous boy band performing at the end. So the film is basically a ridculous, albeit alot of times hilarious story about the ending of the world as we know it. All the actors in the film apparently play themselves, at numerous times they were referred to as Hey Seth Rogen, hey James Franco. Now mind you this film is just out to have fun. Alot of crude humor, so it may not be for everyone. To me alot of the funny parts were the reactions by Craig Robinson. Like his screaming, and just the one-liners he would say. All of the actors did that. Especially Danny Mcbride. Man, that guy just pulled out all the stops to be funny. So like I said, some parts were unnecessary and they didn't even make it more funnier. Like the old saying goes, sometimes less is more.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Man, why didn't Man of Steel have it at Denny's?

It was pretty interesting to see IHOP used extensively in Man of Steel. But you know(chewing from side to side) I aint gonna be here that long. Okay, enough of the inside jokes. Superman, oh exuse me, Man of Steel was pretty cool. However there are some kind of boring spots where his origin is talked about. I sort of get why they had to do that, considering this was ANOTHER reboot, but some of it was long-winded. The action scenes with Superman and General Zod(played by Micahel Shannon of Boardwalk Empire)and with his cronies were off the charts in my opinion. It felt like watching a video game as they crash through buildings, cars, warehouses, cows(not really) you name it Jack! Michael Shannon was a really good bad guy. But I also think they should have injested a little bit more humor in the film,it seems that Superman was kind of limited in his lines. Oh well. Like I said there are some slow parts, but when the action picks up you won't be disappointed...Jack!