Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cloud Atlas, not bad man!

You know even though it has had some mixed reviews, I thought Cloud Atlas was an inventive and engaging film. The film consists of six stories related to each other, some set in the past, present, and also the future. Throughout the film scenes would shift from the past to the future, and I thought this was all done seamlessly. The acting was superb, also the scenery was amazing. The one story that kind of got on my nerves was the post-apocalyptic one where Tom Hanks plays a tribesman called Zachry. At times the dialouge was incomprehensible. "Are you telling me tru-tru?" Anyways, the film is quite long, but it didn't feel like it. It may not be your cup of tea though. "MMMMMMMM, tea."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What's so Sinister about it?

I have mixed feelings on the movie Sinister. Although I thought there were pretty good creepy scenes in it, I thought some of it was laughable. Its about an author who moves into a house with his family where a murder of a family occured. He discovers some film reels that show the murder and others as well. So he tries to figure out if this pagan deity named Baghul( I guess I spelled that right, but who cares) is behind these murders. I don't know, the name Baghul itself is pretty ridiculous. But to kind of sum it up, and not give anything away, there is a scene that my buddy who saw it gave the funniest line. "Way to fill those plot holes Baghul." Hahahaha. Ah, thats too funny. Also there was a scene where the author(played by Ethan Hawke) becomes unhinged, while arguing with his British wife, that was pretty ridiculous. "Enough!" (Thats the second time I've used the term "pretty ridiculous" I sense a pattern) Anyways the soundtrack was pretty cool, but watch it if you want to. That is all.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I was not Taken back, by Taken 2...(Woo-hoo hoo)

Taken 2 was an pretty good followup to Taken. It was pretty much on par with the first film. I would not say better, but it defintely was exciting. Liam Neeson is just an awesome and cool actor. Ever since Darkman from way back, he has been one of my favorite actors. The film starts a little slow, but picks up with chase scenes, witty one liners, and overall action. What surprised me, and I don't know if anyone else felt this was how much of a family movie it was. Of course there was lots of kicking butt by Neeson, but the moments bewteen his daughter and ex-wife were heart felt. It just goes to show you that yeah you can have plenty of action in a movie, but also have tender moments as well. I just don't like it when those moments are overdone and add nothing to the film. I think thats where you have to applaud the acting of Neeson, although his charcter will do anything to protect his family(including lots of shooting, stabbing, breaking necks, etc) he's not afraid to show that he loves his family. Maggie Grace who played his daughter, also gets into the action throwing grenades and such. Shes a pretty awesome looking woman who gets into alot of the action.It's fun seeing his family get into the action as well. Go watch Taken 2, and see what Liam Neeson does best, if you don't he will find you...