Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's been awhile...

Well, this month of November has had some good TV believe or not. I have been watching V the series about aliens coming to earth. It is a remake of the series from the 80's some of you may remember.(check Youtube for the scene where the woman gives birth to an alien baby, it is freakin hilarious!) Also a remake of the Prisoner was just shown on AMC. There was a alot of bad reviews on it, but I liked it. It was confusing and weird, but thought provoking too. Of course I have been watching Dexter as well. I don't think this season is as good as the others, but I must say there have been some good surprises. Hopefully it ends with a good finish.
So check out that alien birth scene from the original V. You are either going to be disgusted or die laughing at how the baby looks.

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