Sunday, September 21, 2008


Autumn is finally here. Even though its still a little bit hot here and there. You can feel fall in the air. Its awesome to be able to watch football games. Giants are 3-0 after today. Hopefully they can continue their winning streak. Fall also brings us another season of Bizarre Foods on the Discovery Channel. I like the show, but the host really needs to stop talking about how certain animals reproductive organs taste so good. Everytime he makes those comments he ends up on The Soup. Its too funny. But its a cool show. I can tell he feels very happy and fortunate to have a job where he can go across all the world and taste all these exotic foods. I wonder if he goes to any exotic gas stations on his trips.(another inside joke.) Anyway, I hope the weather stays cool and mild.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm done.... No I'm not

I was just about to write a self-pitying blog bitching about everyone and everything. To hell with it, I'm not gonna do it. Instead I'll talk about giving blood to the Red Cross. It was a pretty cool experience. It was my first time giving blood. I can't believe it took me so long to do it. It was a fairly long process, maybe because there were people ahead of me. But nonetheless it was a good experience. Besides the fact that it will help someone in need of blood, I also got to get free juice and Famous Amos cookies. You can't beat that. I'm glad I did it. The Red Cross was stationed outside of my work, so I had no reason not to do it. Well, this was close. I was gonna post a blog that I probably was gonna delete anyway. My mantra is gonna be: Don't be negative. People around the world are going through stuff that is really hard and tough, so there really is no point for me to gripe about stuff that pales in comparison to what other people go through.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mission Accomplished...

Well, I finally had my first taste of Bird's Nest soup. It is basically a soup that is made from the nests of a bird found in southeast Asia. The nests are found in dark caves, and it is made from the saliva of the bird. The bird is called a swift. They are harvested from the caves, and are sold at restaurants from the U.S. to Hong Kong. So I asked a co-worker to order it for me who spoke Chinese. Because the last time someone offered to order it for me they spoke in English, and the order ended up being egg-flower soup. Now I'm not blaming the restaurant or the person who ordered for me. These things happen because of a simple mistake or language barrier. So to be on the safe side I asked someone who spoke Chinese to order it for me. I must say I was really satisfied with the soup. It was really good, and surprisingly filling. Yeah, the cost was high for soup; it came around to $32, but I think it was worth it. There is a store next door to the restaurant that sells herbs, that had packages of bird's nests and the prices were crazy. Some were like a thousand dollars. I'm glad I was able to finally try it. I don't think its the last time I will have it either. Hopefully I can find some places that might have the soup for a little bit less. However, I do sometimes splurge on stuff that I'm interested in so I'll probably end up paying the same price or maybe even more.