Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 12-Final Reflections

First off I want to thank David, Danielle, and Kathy for helping coordinate this project, I'm sure it was alot of hard work for you guys, so thanks. I think the most important thing I learned in this exercise is how many web tools are out there that I don't know nothing about. Tools such as and subscribing to RSS feeds are things I have never done before. I think it was important for me to find out the many web tools that are out there because it will just help me understand how to use the web better, and find information better. I think the most challenging exercise for me was trying to find out how to put pictures on my blog. It was challenging in that I had to go to different options, and try to find out how to put pics on there without getting frustrated. I think the blogger was helpful in trying to guide you if you wanted to put pics from the web or from a camera. My favorite exercises were using Flickr and Library Thing. I like them because it was real interesting to see the different types of pictures people post, its fun to see the places around the world that people go to. Library Thing was fun because it showed to me how varied people's interests are when it comes to books. I think the library really needs to heavily promote these technologies on the website, they need to put the websites as links on the front page. Also I think instructional classes on these technologies would be helpful as well. These sources can help the library improve their collection and find new sources of information for people. I liked the self-directed model, but I think if it is someone new to technology it can be a little difficult to follow the instructions. I do think its a good why to encourage staff development because its something different. It involves staff getting into new discoveries, and helping them develop their skills or acquire new skills. I think in order to improve the program's concept maybe you can having exercises where people can get into groups and work on a particular subject. Maybe a future challenge could be reduced to 4 or 5 weeks. Its difficult to say what could improve the program, I think some people might feel they don't have enough time and think its just an extra work assignment and give up. So if maybe there was group activities and an emphasis that this something to help staff and just include fun activities it could entice more people to join in. I think I would participate in another discover program in the future. I would have to look through it to see if I could do it. There were some spots in this Library 2.0 Challenge where I had difficulties, but I somehow managed to get through it. It would be interesting to see what future discover programs would be. So thanks again to everyone who coordinated this program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You have completed Week 12 and the APL Library 2.0 Challenge!! You have qualified for the gift card and the Grand Prize Drawing.
Thanks for all your hard work, fascinating and creative blog, thoughtful reflections, and suggestions for utilizing Web 2.0 tools in a library setting.

Glad to see you have not only figured out how to post photos on your blog but have excelled at it, or so it seems from the Garfield photo. Additionally I agree, staff development projects and programs are extremely important to the growth of the employees, as well as the growth of the library.

Please join us for the Challenge Celebration on Thursday April 24, 2-3 p.m., in the Auditorium. There will be food and drink, and we will award the participant gift cards and hold our Grand Prize Drawing.

Please remember to keep your blog available for viewing until May 1.