Thursday, April 24, 2014

Its been awhile...

Been a long time since I wrote a post, I can't believe I have not wrote one since last year. Well, one film I liked was Son of God that was released a couple months ago. Although its not exactly word for word from the Bible, it was still I think, a good portrayal of Jesus. When I watched the film, that week I had gone through a horrible experience which tested my faith, and quite frankly still effects me today. But when I saw what Jesus went through, and the sacrifice He did for all people it puts life in perspective. I don't want to get into what happened and with anything I can look at myself and take my share of the blame in the situation. I will preface by saying I am a horrible Christian, but I do put my hope in Christ alone and I want to please Him. Most times I fail, but I will keep trying. Whether your a believer or not, I think films like this can, if anything make you be aware of how awesome God is.