Friday, December 20, 2013

Saving Mr. Banks...

Now I don't want to go on and on about how good a film is, but once in awhile you watch a film that just takes you away from all the crap in the world, in life, and just makes watching a film an enjoyable experience. The acting by Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson was superb. The film was about the dealings that Walt Disney(played by Hanks)had with PL Travers who write the book Mary Poppins, in turning her book into a film adaptation. Before I forget, Colin Farrell was amazing as well playing Travers father in flashback scenes. If you are looking for a film to watch during Christmas time this is the one.

Smaug, he alright

The Hobbit 2 was way better than the first one. It had lots of action this time around. The dragon played by Benedict Cumberbatch was beyond awesome. The facial features, the armor of the dragon were amazing to behold, Oh Smaug, the stupendous. Also the mountain lair where he sat with all the gold was cool to see. Of course there is going to be a third installment, but if its anything like this one then I can hardly wait. This is short but sweet review of a film. When something is good you don't need to expound on it.